Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

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You got it correct. What I like is how understanding Ariela was when she went in. I’m always impressed with how A&S work to be good with their guests.

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Poor girl, she`s crying

That didn’t go well.

theory meets practice … that can happen

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It must be quite a shock when you get carried away by the passion and you suddenly realize what you are doing. And if you’re not ready, emotions kick in.

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and then came the towel

No, she`s only afraid to do it on cams

Complaining is soft… A girl can put her pussy inside cam 98340 times a day, but she dares to take a shower where she turn her back to cam, it’s because she is shy :rofl: :rofl:

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That’s what Handsdown means mate :+1:

Cams or no cams, it was pretty clear said “it’s gone too far”.

Not about cams… Or she wouldn’t be sucking and fucking right after under cams

Did you already pick names? :wink:

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Nop… doing extra-hours to save stuff from 34

IDK, looked like that to me :thinking:

how about Alex and Xandra? :slight_smile:

Sebastian’s dick scared her.

The best part about this entire incident is that it shows that A&S don’t work this like a porn site. They do great sex stuff, but when it comes time to choose between “do it or take a hike” porn or “we hoped that you’d be ready, but if you aren’t, then all is okay”, A&S select all is okay. It doesn’t get any better than that in my book.


100% agreed

You’re probably right.