Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Welcome back Ariela :kiss:


Itā€™s nice to see how many comments there are here indicating how glad we are to see Ariela return. Especially, when we see the hugs in the hallway and even that makes us happy for them. They have far more friends here than they could ever realize.
LOL. Someone above mentioned that her bush was gone. :disappointed_relieved: Oh well. It will grow back if she wants it.

That is because the haters are always louderā€¦

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And, unfortunately, it is the haterā€™s comments that hurt the most. Part of what is attractive about A&S is that they seem to really care about what we think, or see, or want. That sensitivity also makes them vulnerable when someone says something derogatory. They probably worry about what they did wrong and donā€™t realize that for those haters, nothing is right.

I just skip the haters and people who talk bad about other peopleā€¦

I am just here for fun ( and naked Ariela :heart_eyes: )

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Thatā€™s why I think it makes sense for the others to speak up here. the haters should notice that although they are annoying, they are not the majority

seb has apparently already (symbolically) been hit on the back of the head :wink: the laptop has a defect on the hinge ā€¦

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when you respond to the die hard hatersā€¦ they will be happy that they have the attention they are looking forā€¦

If you ignore them, it will stop, because they have not the attention they want

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I donā€™t see most of them anymore. Unfortunately, sometimes one slips through

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Naughty naughty Sebastian :grin: :heart: :heart_eyes:


Seb does naughty real good. :smile:

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Youā€™ve said it so well. If I was Seb, I would have told them all to fuck off a long time ago.

that looks like her favorite colorā€¦ otherwise she probably wouldnā€™t dress like that :wink:

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I prefer the inlay of the dress :sunglasses:

goodbye seb and ariela, have a good time. hello austin and ginger girl :smile:

Urie was a real asshole when Ariela was trying to s___p

Ariela was chewing Sebā€™S ass for breaking her computer. Apparently it was dropped on its corner and fucked up the hinge so it wouldnā€™t open properly. 16:53:00


Bored and didnā€™t have anything else to do :rofl: Although I have to admit, I kept track of the length of time she fucked Austin (or rather, that Austin fucked her) on the couch the morning after that first night she was there. :wink:

Well, Iā€™m still catching up after being away for a few days, happy to see that Ariela is back and that she and Seb apparently have now gone on their vacation. Also happy to see that Austin and the Red-haired girl are sticking around for a while. NOT so happy to see the haters are still dumping on Seb and Ariela like a bunch of MOFOS - I would have to say Seb and Ariela are way more patient than I would be with some of the nonsense these guys come up with. Hereā€™s hoping they come back refreshed, renewed and willing to continue to share their lives with us.


while we went to visit friends. they live in another city. Perhaps they will also come to visit us.

weā€™re leaving tonight. there will still be a collection of things, a hot bath. and possibly something else.