Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

@Sebastian new apartment, old problems with the water?

yeah, it was very funny to find out that the new area is next on the shutdown schedule)))

[sarcasm] how lucky you are! [/sarcasm]


l’informaticien est super sxy la chemise blanche rentrĂ©e dan son short j’en bave

on dirait un etudiant d’oxford IL devrait soigner son look il a l’air plutot con dans cette tenue

I’m not speculating,but didn’t Ariela go out with panties on,and now when she took dress off no panties.
And then we had a flying visit from computer guy that left few minutes before Ariela came in

Well you should know, you’re the sad person that takes notes on every movement in this realm :man_facepalming:


One of the things that I like about A&S acknowledging that we are here, is that it shows that they realize that almost all of us are their friends too. We might speculate a little too often, but even those times are saying that we care somehow. As for me, I just like them as people and the sexy parts are icing on the cake.


I agree with you whole heartedly,they are a great couple and super apt,and yes the sex is a bonus

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little tip for your knives :wink: they need a bit more sharpness. and i am sure that you have a suitable mug, bowl or plate with a rough edge in your cupboard.
simply pull over the edge a few times and tomatoes can be diced again without crushing them too much

Kristian , i was intrigued by your comment so i went back & checked. You are right she did leave with white panties on and came back without them. Unfortunately , putting a stop to my whirling imagination, she also took out with her the pair she had taken off earlier( greeny turquoise) and a small pile of other laundry. I suspect she may have been to the laundry, altho my imagination would love to tell me different. She did not appear to bring any of the laundry back?

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Why would she go to the laundry when you got a washing machine she must of cos she wearing the turquoise pair tonight as she goes out with seb

Why would she go to the laundry when you got a washing machine she must of brought them backcos she wearing the turquoise pair tonight as she goes out with seb unless she got another same pair

Yeah who knows maybe she gets them dry cleaned or maybe just ‘Dried’
Maybe their water problems precludes them from using it.


Don’t think so, don’t forget she’s got three men’s and her owns plus the household cleanings, apart from urie who sometimes does his own it amazing she hasn’t got two machines

Is all the males lazy or what, in this household,poor Ariela started to cook something went into bedroom and fell as___p comp guy came in tried to wake her so she could finish off,but good for her she stuck to her guns and stayed in bedroom

yes they are all a bunch of lazy assholes, never do anything in the household, they mess it up and Ariela cleans after them, they should be ashamed

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vous oubliez sebastian travaille à l;exterieur par contre les 2 autres ne foutent rien de la jounée

Party time