In addition to physical orgasms, sex also has psychological orgasms. For girls, having sex with the person they like is the most important thing, and Andery’s penis is hard, which is more important than time. It’s just that his moans are too loud. What is he needed is to improve sexual skills, such as changing more positions and controlling speed.
A mi juicio, Dancer no fue más que un “entretenimiento” o un “plan B” por si lo de Andrey no funcionaba, pero es obvio que a ella le gusta Andrey. Física, mental y visualmente.
Dancer no es más que un huésped que puede que tenga alguna que otra gratificación, pero no el primer premio. La única cosa que me genera incertidumbre es si Andrey no va a ponerse celoso o se va a ______ar conforme pase el tiempo, que Dancer siga hospedándose en esa casa.
Yo sé que es el departamento de Ariela, ella es la dueña e impone condiciones a sus visitas acerca de lo que pasa en su cuerpo y corazón, pero si Andrey es un poco celoso (JonR había comentado algo así, celoso o queriendo ser exclusivo, no recuerdo bien la expresión), espero que esta “superposición de alfas” no le traiga problemas a futuro si lo que quiere es forjar una relación más sostenible con Andrey.
Why if Ariela is happy with Andrey should she keep Dencer at home? It seems to me that this is not difficult to manage? why would he need anything else? it doesn’t make sense because it creates the usual confusion that has existed up until now… and in any case I agree even against my best interests with those who said that he should get out of all this to live a real life, a life that brings him back to a more stable balance with someone who truly makes her happy and not getting lost behind men who only want to satisfy their own needs.
Quizá con Dancer haya alguna especie de acuerdo “comercial”. A qué me refiero? Él necesita un lugar adonde vivir (es amigo de Will, lo cual lo haría “fiable” y ha sabido ser funcional al show de las cámaras - o sea, no es tímido, ha tenido su cuota de sexo y no tiene problema en mostrarse desnudo-) y ella no deja el departamento solo, un problema de los últimos tiempo teniendo en cuenta que a menudo ella se pasaba de las 48hs lejos de casa.
Tampoco sabemos si él le paga arrendamiento o es un trato entre amigos.
No veo extraño que este sea un acuerdo de esa clase: “yo tengo lugar y necesito mantener activa la casa al mismo tiempo que vos necesitás un lugar adonde vivir”. Lo veo como un ganar -ganar.
Eso sin contar que si las cosas no salen bien con Andrey, hay un almohadón de carne y hueso con el que ella puede contar
How about a threesome? That would be a win win win.

he did not really moan loud this morning which is so much better
This young man must have been watching Will N Ariella’s videos, trys his luck with his thumb and Ariella is worried that it might “slip in” when he got on his vinegar strokes.
Je ne comprend pas, personnellement, les critiques concernant Andrey et sa manière de faire l’amour avec Ariela.
Il est mignon, tout doux avec elle, la caresse tendrement, l’excite doucement, l’embrasse amoureusement.
Elle s’excite petit à petit, vient sur lui, lui caresse le sexe également, il descend ses baisers et lui fait un magnifique cunnilingus …
Pour finir, il la pénètre tout doucement, elle est terriblement excitée et se caresse pendant qu’il la pénètre …
Ce n’est pas mignon tout ça ?
Elle a l’air d’être très amoureuse de lui, et c’est magnifique …
Si tu les écoutes sur ce forum.
C est tous les rois du sexe.
Eux ils auraient fait beaucoup mieux.
Mais en réalité c est les rois de la branlette en regardant des jeunes faire l amour.
I find Will’s behavior creepy…he started masturbating in the kitchen and wasted no time in getting onto the sofa in the living room where Ariela sleeps…she who is on his side anyway…it’s not difficult to understand what he wants when this girl wakes up…but why does she allow this? I really don’t understand it…
Maybe because she wants it…? This is not that deep.
Ariella has a new pet at home.
A singing cat
I hope the crying has nothing to do with Will’s singing.
Joking aside. I hope nothing bad has happened
That’s it, they’re leaving … but he’s got blue balls …
and I don’t get the impression that things are going well between them …
Many people love Ariel, and it is not clear why such a mood killer should be tolerated in his own apartment! What is the reason? It is also thanks to this person that Seb does not have a serious support!
Will behaves as always but sincerely Ariela also does not set limits to his way of acting and therefore even if I agree with your reasoning it is useless to underline it because until she understands it it will be like this with him and with the others…
@AmberHoster, I hope I didn’t offend “Will”. It wasn’t meant to be a serious post.
I just think it was a musical performance worth mentioning.