If Sigma could do what he wanted. Then …?

yes as usual it’s starts well, but that’s all…
Maybe this is Ariela’s purpose? Creating expectations…it is a lever that he has used many times to keep his audience glued to the cameras…I honestly find that this continuous presence of Sigma in the house with this type of dynamics is becoming a bit boring and not I don’t even think it’s too compatible with the type of relationship that Ariela is establishing…even if we can ask all the necessary questions, even without a rational logic we won’t have an answer but I hope that in the long run all this theater or similar dynamics can’t again become the fuel that fuels the journey towards the end of his relation…
Max, she did ask someone to turn around while she undressed. I believe it was Sigma. He was by the bedroom door, she was by the bed, and she asked him to turn around. I saw the video that was posted, I just wasn’t that interested in who the guy was.
I don’t remember exactly when it was, a couple weeks maybe.
It was Sigma and I dont understand why!
This guy called Sigma did he ever do anything interesting? Because I don’t see his name in Wiki at all
You got me.
I think he fucked Ariela. I’m sure someone else can confirm that…or not.
No, just what they call a camel toe slide. This is something she enjoyed with Sebastian and one or two or three guests.
Getting him to turn round was just a tease.
Were they both clothed or naked?
It seems to me that there was no sex, but only Ariela can verify this via @JonR. There was already one time when Dancer had sex in the bathroom with Ariela and it turned out that he only had his dick between his legs.
Ariel’s outfit is sexy.