Thank you☺️
nice thank’s
Sigmund is a smart dude and seems to care deeply for Ariela. He got a quick taste of heaven and now he’s smart enough to wait in the wings until she’s ready to commit to him.
Sieht doch super und gepflegt aus.
So eine behaarte Muschi macht sie doch erst richtig zur Frau !
Nachdem sich fast alle rasieren ist das inzwischen schon was Besonderes.
Ich jedenfalls fahr voll drauf ab.
er ist ihr Manager.
For sure not…
Allora che ruolo ha Sigma anche ieri sera sono usciti insieme,la volta scorsa arriva lui e va via Barton,sembra che Ariela ci stia bene in sua compagnia,ride e scherza con lui
I do not know and to be honest I could not care less about that
Scusa era giusto per capirci qualche cosa e da poco che mi sono abbonato
Who is provoking me? He already let me into the honeypot once!
When I read comments like I happened to write in the past in which one is more or less amazed by the way in which Ariela interacts at various levels with men where, despite being engaged, she demonstrates an uncommon freedom for a traditional mentality and culture, my advice is only one. …we must not try to criticize something that we are not ready to understand if our culture does not allow us to do so but we limit our curiosity to simply looking only at what we like because if we do not understand there is no point in raising the problem… .because maybe it is for us but not for her…l