Ariela (Part 2)


but theres nothing you can do to change that . So what is the point of saying the same thing over and over for the last 12 months or so , if like you say you not trying to change her or anything? i think thats where the conflicts your comments cause stem from . most of your comments come across as personal attacks on her way of life and alot of members like you enjoy following her life




Or one could call it the “one eyed sniper” or “one eyed willy” :wink:


I’m not sure if she even reads much of this threat anymore. I may be wrong ( :man_shrugging:) but quite a while ago didn’t she or someone that was in touch with her say that she wasn’t reading this thread now. The reason was because of all the negativity she was reading and for her mental health she had to stop looking in.

With all the negative comments about her life I can see why she doesn’t want to participate on the forum. It’s harassment from my point of view.

She’s a grown adult with adult choices. Those choices are for her to make. As adults we all make choices, be they good or bad
ours (in this case hers) to make. We don’t have to agree with her choices, again hers to make. If one constantly bugged a friend how the lived their life they wouldn’t be your friend for long. Guess some just can’t comprehend that.


Didn’t you write (for the nth time) that you were going to stop imposing your views on her? Leave her alone - it is NOTHING to do with you. Just enjoy the porn FFS!


Actually, hudson 's coming to troll.


For example, in this picture, is the dick in or not? There was a troll who said no, it’s not in. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face: :yum:


Soooo you don’t like my comment. But once you start calling someone names you have just lost the argument. And it shows you can’t have an adult conversation. I know you’ll need to have the last word. On that note hope you have a wonderful day

nooooooooooooo sorry man 
 ı liked your comment ı mean hudson not you.My sentence was misunderstood
 I changed the sentence

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Aaaaa, ok. I misinterpret what you had said (meaning)
my bad.

Sometimes I can’t look out of one eye and can’t see for reading out of the other! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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talking about harassment in this context seems excessive to me
but why, given that Ariela is an adult and intelligent woman, would she need a group of faithful defenders in the forum to protect her
but from what? he participates in vh consciously knowing what he is doing so why is there a need to always take his defense? she’s not stupid and she has the intelligence to get by on her own
and at the end of the day we’re talking about comments and nothing else so enough with the imagination

Night begins to fall slowly - slowly at the Realm



@Hudson220373 okay it seems as though you really do not know the dynamics of a forum, when you type a comment in a particular topic you do so knowing it will be read by other members in said topic , and thats why you spend time typing out your comment /opinion knowing it will cause a reaction be it good or bad ,that is why we have the ability to reply to any comment that appears in the the topic , and for over 15 months you have continually been negative about Ariela and her way of life , so obviously your bound to get a negative reaction be it visual ie: emoji or a written responce .which by the looks of things all replies to you have been to question why your so negative towards her ,you have been told numerous times over the last few months that Ariela no longer bothers with the forum due to the kind of negativity you continually write , so it must be pretty obvious that she is not going to read what you write and the only people that will read it is the people that follow this topic and Ariela ,but you seem so mixed up that you constanlty contradict your self ,in one breath you say

then you go and say things like

make your mind up !!! that is why you recieve such backlash , its very easy to ignore a few bad comments as some times people say thing out of character, but your comments are nothing shy of character assasination and they stand out on a forum full of positivity , You may ask why i have taken the time to reply to you ,well underneath all that negativity i sense there is a decent guy that as just got lost along the way in his forum journey , none of these replies are aimed directly at you as a person because none of us knows you .the retaliation you recieve is aimed at your comments , so that leaves one burning question , WHY do you continually type negative comments for what purpose . is it a cultural clash ? are you trying to influence something,? are you jealous? so many unanswered questions , personally i feel there is a cultural clash going on here ,Remember! what you see as wrong can be accepted as the norm in other cultures , Maybe now is the time to ease up on your negativity its been continuos for 15 months now , you seem to like Ariela why not make some comments on how pretty she looks or how happy she seems, anyway if that doesnt get through to you then might i suggest you take a break from Arielas life and come back in a few months with a clear head ,maybe things will look better with a clear outlook


Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards


Lazurus and other’s arguing with Hudson, you must realise his comments have nothing to do with the participants, they are just his canvas, the paint is his words. To make his art come to life he needs an audience and a reaction. Every time somebody takes him seriously and retorts he probably ejaculates. If he succeeds in achieving a long rant then he probably sticks this thumb up his own arse in celebration. The more attention he receives the more sexual pleasure he feels. If it helps you to not react, just think each word of reply is the same as strokes of his cheesy button mushroom.


Update: 8 hours of sleep both Very Tired