Yo me pregunté lo mismo; incluso son pocas las mujeres que visitan su casa. Pero bueno, hay mujeres que se sienten mucho más cómodas teniendo amistades hombres, ya sea porque las mujeres somos más complicadas de caracter o porque a veces sentimos un poco “amenazantes” al mismo género (no digo que lo sea Ariela, sino que competimos más entre nosotras).
This is VHTV, not a monastery, women with women only. Ariela is beautiful, she has female friends, but She also likes more Men Friends.
I don’t doubt that she is comfortable with male friends but perhaps it could be a way to give a little change to the usual routine that she normally proposes and that would certainly make this apartment more interesting… I hope she thinks about it sooner or later… …
do you really think that with a few more women this house would become a monastery?
you might be surprised…
Well, if the situations turn to be 3some or 4 some that will be nice… but if Ariella has female Guests just for conversation, I think that will be boring.
Eros, con todo respeto, yo también soy mujer y sin embargo eso también me llama la atención. Pero es solo eso: una observación. Nadie dijo que tendría que haber exclusividad de género en sus visitas, sino que tiene menos visitas mujeres que hombres.
Y nadie duda de la belleza de Ariela, lo cual no la tendría que hacer menos susceptible a recibir comentarios que no agraden a todos.
I just think Ariela will do what she thinks is best for her and what will get the most viewers. Of course your opinion is respected, as are all opinions.
why must every thought necessarily pass through imposition? It must also be understood as a simple way to stimulate the imagination and not necessarily to demand who knows what…
Una de las mujeres hermosas entre otras que ya ha participado y que más me llama la atención en este Realm es BO
Bo es una gran animadora; debo reconocer que solo la había visto en casa de Ariela y me parecía una chica más del montón. Mala mía: no solo terminó interactuando en otros Reinos sino que, además, ha tenido buena cantidad de amantes. Eso, sin contar la sólida relación con Ubaldo, lo cual le da un plus.
Bo ist ein wunderbares Mädchen und ist seit Jahren mit Ariela sehr eng befreundet. Sie hatten auch alle beide einen fantistischen Dreier mit Will.
Bo und Ubaldo sind sehr langre schon zusammen und führen eine mehr oder wenigere offene Beziehung ,aber beiderseits. Sie bezeichnete es einmal als Veruch zur Stärkung ihres Sexuallebens. Ubaldo ist sehr führsorglich Bo gegenüber.
I agree with Bo… Like Emilia too, but it’s not that easy to find open minded Young Ladies just for fun, they will understand that are cameras there and they will want benefits, unless it’s just for conversation.
Ariela is doing just fine she is comfortable in how she does things and it’s at her own pace u got to remember that is when she brings a guest over she gets to know them first have conversations and maybe have dinner then she will make up her mind if she wants to have fun with them or not I think Bo is the same way with her guests as well even though she has Ubaldo to come back too and Ariela don’t have anybody and she’s comfortable with that IMO
Very nicely dressed on the outside, seems to have a good job
He left a little late but packed his backpack with him, even with drinks attached to the outside!
mon époque bisous Ariela
The last time they mentioned anything about the length of their relationship, I believe they said they’d been together for 8 years. That was several months ago, so it might well be nine by now. IDK.