Ariela (Part 2)

“Bom para Ariela, mais dinheiro na conta dela”. Mas eu duvido que ela queira ganhar dinheiro com uma guerra, E isso está longe de ser uma guerra. Ainda tem muita gente sensata no fórum.

I’m going to sleep now, not that when I check in here in 10 hours I have to read (/skim) over 100 posts … :sleeping: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I mostly like how that ammunition is aimed though. :hugs: Very technically creative. :hugs:

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So this guy went to pick her up from work?



I wonder what kind of problem he has

reasons … not problems. but the reasons are likely to become a problem

Of all the essential oils, eucalyptus has been believed to be one of the most effective against a range of respiratory conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, the common cold, cough or the flu.


Mr inactivity left?
Lisa Kudrow Omg GIF by Friends

you’re right sorry my mistake… :pray:

Totally wrong, a lot of others apartments do live under the same circumstances and haven’t chose to do this clickbait show almost non stop for the last 2 years.

Now let’s see the facts, as you correctly wrote in your introductory part of your comment, A&S joined Vhtv in early 2022 as a married couple (this was the first lie, they weren’t married) and they showed something similar with a swingers lifestyle, but still a little bit more orientated on Ariela (her and Austin for the reference). We were told that Seb was enjoying watching her with other men ( very weird as we never seen him watching but anyway…) .

At some point, Seb started to not participate much into the Vhtv part of their life and focused more on his job ( there have been some problems, work changes, etc) and Vhtv part was left more (or entirely) on Ariela. That’s when she started with those manipulatory visits from “friends” (what is called here “clickbait shows” ) and never ended since…

I’m so sorry, but i needed to. Your comment was so many miles and miles away from any reality. Sorry again


you’re right we’re all idiots…(flora is the best she doesn’t command all her fucking friends)…

you’re a pain in the ass and many users are right when they say you’re worse than a rat… if you like a shitty person you never stop fighting…

Andre, you’re so innocent that i can’t even get upset on you. Just as a friendly advice, don’t believe that if you’re innocent and a good hearted person, the others are the same… :wink:

As per Flora, not sure why the need to keep mentioning her, i never said she was innocent nor tried to portrait her that way as other do with Ariela here, never… :slightly_smiling_face:

Gorgeous Ariela just arrived to her Realm


Weather change plays a big role when it comes to colds and allergies However Ariella look much better today


Yes, after having done everything, outside, and sharing nothing on Vhtv


Two guys all left?or come back later :stuck_out_tongue:


At least the light is good today :laughing: . The B&B hotel is closed for this time! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs: