Ariela (Part 2)

Ariela is getting worse and worse, covered sex, what a shame



Ariela often has sex outside the apartment, and now that she does it inside the apartment, she covers herself, itā€™s getting worse and worse, now she only shares the bath



:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:




Covered sex, getting worse and worse Ariela

To see covered sex. there is big brother
(Now Ariela, only shares the bath, not even nudity, (facts)

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to see uncoverd sex, there ist youporn for you


To see this, there is big brother


But sheā€™s not entirely wrongā€¦ with all the men sheā€™s had Iā€™ve never seen her like thisā€¦ she took something out of her backpack and put it in her nose, do you know what it was? I may be the same repetitive, but she has no respect for her healthā€¦I think you know what Iā€™m referring toā€¦too bad

JonR Defender of stupidity every time all the time donĀ“t say anything bad about my girl itĀ“s not only your girl it is everybodys girl on this forum you think you own her for yourself wake up from your wet dream and understand what you saying is nonsens almost all the time why should he watch youporn there you have one of your nice well thought about coment, go back to bed a sleep maybe you wake up wiser

You must have looked at another realm Erotic the only thing that is erotic is too see Ariela in a thong thats erotic!.

Donā€™t want to be negative but canā€™t be otherwise is really disappointed and this time itā€™s not the guyā€™s fault but our star herself. This what we all have been waiting for what a climax you are in the business for god sake and this is what we get. Yesterday promised when they have sex next
time it can be something even if this match is strange.

Circumstantial Circumstantial Circumstantial havenā€™t you Ariela grown out from under the covers sex 2 days in a row there are 15-16 year olds teens doing this kind of thing, not you Ariela you are fooling everyone who pays here Iā€™m not one of them so far, but Iā€™d be damn disappointed if I was, Ariela kisses him, he hardly answers heā€™s lying like a sack of potatoes in the bed and sheā€™s leaning over him and not much happens a little movements, sheā€™s like an old man over a young girl, but here itā€™s the other way around sheā€™s over him like if it was a piece of meat,

and Ariela whoā€™s trying to get it to look somewhat decent but maybe not with the cover on. my picture of the sexy Ariela has got a thorn
I think Ariela wanted too much of this young boy, but if she thinks itā€™s not visible that sheā€™s trying to have sex, sheā€™s out for a ride, this sex canā€™t even be rated not even sensual enough in my opinion, feels cringe even, I say Ariela made the dude not perform well enough.
A bad sex day again for Ariela even yesterday was better but not really good anyway ok that was that, soon calls other services for our star. Her dance today was kind of erotic and happy go lucky

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Total disappointment, we all have to stop paying this site because it makes fun of us!


I asked her months ago: according to her, eucalyptus oil is in the bottleā€¦

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I think Ariela has a very bad cold thatā€™s why she had covert sex and uses nasal spray or some kind remedy for her noseā€¦


Ariela no longer shares anything on Vhtv, only baths for now (I wonā€™t even mention the rest that was said here), these are facts

A beautiful orgasm, Missā€¦

but itā€™s not easy making love with a blanket over you ! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:


Sorry, but I donā€™t believe it, Ariela is only on Vhtv to have a home, because she shares almost nothing :roll_eyes:


Can you extend this to general forum posting?


Yes absolutely right if John R say itĀ“s eucalytus it is hahaha
why and why again should Ariela tell this dude about what she put in her nose and he belives that! maybe itĀ“s true but maye is a lie
think if she donĀ“t want us too know what things she uses

and she has the cover on also because she donĀ“t want us too see hes hard on.


This is being done in another location as well


Iā€™m beginning to think that many in this kindergarten have the wrong idea about VHTV. The people concerned would be better off on a porn site.