Regardless of the fact that I know why Ariela left yesterday and is not back today, I would just like to mention that I am very sure that Will does what he wants because he wants to, and not because Ariela hired him or persuaded him to do so…
I’m assuming, however, that he’s definitely taking advantage of being able to use an apartment where he can have fun as he pleases.
But that doesn’t rule out the possibility that he is doing it (in her apartment) to help Ariela…having sex with pretty and willing women is not the worst kind of help you can offer a friend
Certo. A meu ver, existe uma cumplicidade muito grande entre os dois. Observe bem os vídeos e tire suas próprias conclusão. Com os dois, a coisa realmente pega fogo.
Jag är inte särskilt bra på svenska. Men jag är ursprungligen norska. Jag är ganska så bra på engelska. Skriva elektroniskt på engelska då.
It’s a shame that Ariela is not at the center of the action in her apartment. She certainly has those reasons. We can see that in the last few months there has been movement.
New heads appear, some old companions come back and set the mood. That’s cool.
Hope every thing goes ok for her.
There is pretty much the same situational aspect going on for example at the Camille place. At Camilles the situation is that Camille originally is the main participant that is suppose to be present in the flat since she is the main attraction herself. But the strange thing is that she is quite rarely present in the apartment in the first place, at least not so often as she should have been in place there.
Acho que a Camille estuda, faz faculdade ou coisa assim. Está sempre lendo ou se exercitando. Mas, quando recebe a visita de alguém assume o protagonismo do reino.
There is only one thing to understand…accepting substitutes in a kingdom where the main participant can easily have something else outside and not be there for days…it is a system to still have a profit but is it okay? Does the viewer still want to see sex and entertainment regardless of the participant? Everyone can have their own opinion, I think that staying for a long time in a place where you have to reconcile other things outside is not easy…and even if I’m unpopular, I’m of the opinion that the participant must be at the basis of the vision and when it is no longer possible, other choices are made.
Entiendo tu punto y coincido en buena parte.
Supuestamente uno ve “la vida” de los participantes tal como es (con la salvedad de usar nombres falsos y ubicación desconocida) y evidentemente, esta es la vida de Ariela: nómade, con varios trabajos, con dificultades para llegar a fin de mes, y un plan B que es transmitir su belleza y encanto las 24hs del día.
Sin embargo JonR tenía razón cuando dijo que ella no puede hacer nada con las expectativas de aquellos que la vemos y pretendemos que haga lo que queremos.
Y si bien con Seb era otra historia, hoy por hoy ella ofrece esto: un desfile de amigos que hacen diferentes cosas, que le comen la comida de la heladera y se bañan dos o tres veces al día en su bañera.
Esto es un negocio y a mi criterio, ella lo piensa como tal, caso contrario no le entregaría la llave de su casa a 4 personas distintas para que se la usen como un “bed & brekfast” esté o no esté ella.
Y VHTV lo permite aquí y en los otros realms.
Los que pagan podrán determinar si quieren seguir abonando por reinos con dueños ausentes o sexo sobreactuado; los que vemos cámaras gratuitas, solo podemos opinar gratuitamente y conformarnos con lo que se ofrece…
Hi JonR
Ariela comes home tonight?
First people complain that not enough is happening.
Now people complain that something is happening, but by the ‘wrong’ people…
no matter what is happening, someone is always complaining.
Just be happy that something is happening at all. We pay for entertainment (Hudson apparently doesn’t even pay), and that’s what we get… maybe not exactly as we wanted, but that’s life.
edit: should actually be a general post, not a direct answer to you …
I hope so, but i think it depends on how long the filming lasts today. And I hope to find out from her mood how the visit to the doctors went today in the morning… I don’t have any information yet
I completely agree with everything you are saying here. Spot on. Could not have put it better myself. I even read your whole statement in norwegian. Not bad huh?
No te imaginás el esfuerzo que hago para escribir tratando de enfatizar pronombres, o de evitar conjugaciones verbales que solo hacemos los argentinos, para que la traducción sea legible.
Si se entendió en noruego puedo sentirme satisfecha 100% jajajajaja
You can be 100 percent satisfied with what you wrote right now aswell. Every single word was 100 percent accurately transfered to norwegian. Absolutely true.
I’m not making any claims, these are just general considerations and that’s it.
Thank you JonR.
Share if the news is not intrusive.
Escribes de maravilla, parece que estudiaste en la Universidad de Salamanca. Tengo un primo porteño y habla igual de bien.
I agree with you. Ariela should reveal a little bit of her secret.