Just a very short “Pit stop”!
Whats the story…
unknown. put on bra and shirt, then came this scene … and shortly afterwards everyone was out of the apartment …
Its just that i can’t work out if he is a suitor or a work mate or just one of a pair she picked up on the street.
Por qué tanto prejuicio a los chicos que fueron al departamento de Ariela ayer? Acaso es equivalente ser buena persona/profesional/amable con tener buen aspecto?
A excepción de unos pocos tipos, ella ha dejado entrar a casa a muchachos que se comportaron dentro de lo decoroso. Hay que confiar en que es una mujer adulta y sabe a quién abrirle o no la puerta de su casa.
Yo no sé si es subestimación hacia Ariela y su capacidad de elegir a quién invitar o no, o una sobreprotección absurda.
Ella se mueve en un círculo demasiado amplio como para cuantificar la gente que entra y sale de su vida.
PD: lo mismo corre con las mujeres: linda y soltera significa exitosa, feliz y buena chica?
OK, ya entiendo.
Better be careful putting your email address here. I remember a time when I was a site moderater on a site that no longer exists a guy did that for all to see. What happened was he was bombarded with dick pictures. It got so bad he had to abandon that email address and get a new one.
Bandaids via VHTV Community <mail@forum.spyhub.tv> ezt írta (időpont: 2024. szept. 3., K, 5:07):
perhaps the reason that pushes many to reflect on what Ariela does with boys is that her total openness towards them and I am referring to the fact that she offers even if not sex but nudity and contact to everyone can make one think that in the middle, even if has ability b
of choice, there could be someone who makes a mistake and perhaps limiting yourself a little could help you avoid taking risks. I don’t know if everyone who enters except the usual friends are part of the needs of the context or are simply acquaintances but a lot of people pass by and you never know. I’m not saying this for protection, but it’s just my reflection, then life is his and he can do as he wants.
Entiendo tu punto de vista y todos velamos porque a ningún participante le suceda algo malo. Solo digo que juzgar a alguien por su aspecto, no me parece correcto.
I fully agree with this point, mine is just an assessment of why these assessments are triggered
I think, for those who have a lot of life behind them, we come from a time when you looked after more than just your family. We were brought up in a world destroyed by a world war and then Korea close on its heels so nobody had anything but family and friends. I think this transferred to us looking out for everybody so we do worry not only about Ariella but some of the more vulnerable of the young ladies on here its just the way were were brought up.
Bo joined Ariela in her flat.
Apparently there’s a bit of a mood problem between Bo and Ubaldo…
A new ? boy has also appeared.
Does anyone know him?
Didn’t look much wrong the other night but i think she has caught the paddle boarding bug from Ariella, as for a name for him or his mate as nothing has happened apart from appearing here no name as yet. Ariella how about you name him for us.
probably involved in her job in some way
day and night they have been inseparable together since two days ago they barely knew each other they were 2 acquaintances and ate food and drank tea at Ariela’s realm he hardly said a sound in 90 minutes the other talked most of the time she has been with this dude since its 2 nights and 2 days into the 3rd day now soon, inseparable laughter, and friends name her name is Bo so has been with Ariela as an apron or protection for Ariela very good, I dont think she looking for job maybe he is her chauffeur also with bennefits, and somehow he must have her attention it looks like he got close to her in such a short time her nightly and daily trips to different destinations require a car, They seem to like each other already so why not “Willhelm the Second” first choice, maybe Ariela doesn’t like that name, or the two buddies mother-in-law dreamboys Tom and Ariela’s now night partner Jerry maybe not so good but what the hell
Finally, she takes care of these animals.
They are certainly hungry, love and care for their well-being.
But thats Ariella’s favourite spot!!!
Pese a que el chico rubio no intimó con nadie, merece un nombre no?
Bah, ya es visita recurrente.