Archives subtitles

Why VHTV does not hire a russian translator to add subtitles to archives. We want to understand the conversation between participants that will make it more fun to watch .


If you still want to have fun watching this site, that’s probably the last thing you want to listen to


It looks that you understand the conversations. What are they talking about and why it isn’t fun?

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Subtitles would be a great idea. I want to know what they’re saying as well

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As you can probably imagine, they are all very aware of the cams, so don’t expect that something interesting is spoken loud. Mostly kindergartner level stories

Gossip about other people ? Clothes ? Cars? movies ?Food ? Politics ?


A little bit of everything. If you find that interesting

I am sure that they are not allowed to speak politics. At least most of them

For every person who requests subtitles there is someone saying that you dont really want it. I think subscribers should be the judge. The suggestion to restrict archive footage is dooable and sensible.

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Why? Are they afraid that some participant could report them to KGB ( I don’t know the name of the successor) ?

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I’m afraid the most obvious reason is VHTV subscription would cost a fortune after paying for manual translation for thousands of videos


however I prefer my mind to figure out what is going on especially in hot situations (that veil of imagination makes me even more curious)… :wink:


Cuando recién entré a este sitio me pregunté lo mismo e incluso me m____taba “no entender” lo que decían (hablo castellano y el inglés no es un idioma habitual por aquí, o sea que si no lo usás a menudo- ya sea por trabajo o estudios-, te lo olvidás como cualquier lengua sin práctica)
A medida que pasaron los días me di cuenta del “atractivo” de no saber de qué hablaban.
Por un lado, porque daba lugar a que yo imaginara parte de lo que sucedía, lo cual es una estrategia muy buena para el sitio ya que uno tiene la tendencia de especular y volcar sus suposiciones a un chat, lo que sube las visitas al foro de cada departamento y hace del debate algo interesante (y algunas veces loco, por qué no reconocerlo :laughing:)
Por otra parte, porque me di cuenta de que probablemente hablaban de las mismas tonterĂ­as que yo hablo dĂ­a a dĂ­a: el clima, amistades, comida y blabla que no suma a mis ansias por ver cĂłmo se desarrollan las relaciones entre los participantes y cĂłmo es el sexo entre ellos.