Anny, Merida, Julia

Wiki yes, maybe… In the archives it hardly matters I should have said…

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What did he do to deserve a name? I can’t add any random guest only because he visits and sits around :wink:

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totally agree , dont shoot the messenger ,i was just trying to be of help :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

He was the main protagonist in this great scene.

Do not shoot the messenger - Vær nå så vennlig og ikke skyt den derre budbringeren nå da. :wink: :wink: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Nej det er helt rigtigt, men en gang imellem er kritik dog helt rigtigt… Det med navne er med er helt sikkert er et punkt, hvor kritik er retfærdigt…

I totally agree with you. Totally. :slight_smile:

You should sell insurance, I’m so convinced…

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Mira came to visit. Lost, lonely.

People Guests are very sad something happens
Mira is there too

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I just tuned in, and I don’t have a clue what they’re doing.

The scene is as Russian as it gets.

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The boy drank a lot, and instead of hydrating him with water and natural juices. In the process of drunkenness the body dehydrates, loses a lot of water or give it tea with honey, say prayers and witchcraft style :angry:

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Yes, it was more or less my understanding of the scene, but it was so awkward that I thought that my eyes were deceiving me.

“The boy drank a lot”. They haven’t ■■■■■ that much, I’m sure he’ll be alright.

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Strange treatments in those parts of Europe. I was there in Moscow and San Petersburgo and I didn’t see anything similar but… I also got home late, and now I’m going to sleep. I start work at 11.30am


Update: the boy is alright and will make it through the night.


Great example of a typical courtyard Soviet apartment block outside.

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well from that to this