Anny, Merida, Julia

Not too bright to put an unsheathed knife down the back of your pants. Might end up slicing off a chunk of your ass.
:open_mouth: :man_facepalming:


I would not be able to stand that amount of coffee. I can tell you that. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I had a co-worker that had one. On the way to work from time to time he would get it filled with black coffee. Get the creamers, packets of sugar and give us coffee at work. As he said it was easier to do than a number of cups of coffee.

But yes, if you were to drink it yourself talk about a caffeine over load! I have my what I call my “kick start” in the morning and I “might” have a second on later in the day. But generally it’s the kick starter in the morning.

I’ll say this, having worked in Germany for 6 years (before the wall came down) coffee there in Europe is far better than here in North America.


Nothing like getting down there and scratching those itchy hemorrhoids :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Butt* it seriously makes me wonder about a guy that has to conceal a knife like that. And I’m not talking about his mental stability although that might want to be checked!

Knowing he was concealing a knife and my concerns he’s not coming back to my place again. Not that I’m afraid of being around someone with a knife, I’ve been around many that carry a larger knife in a scabbard on the belt. It’s his trustworthiness I call into question and what he might do if he get into a heated argument.


Here in Norway there has become a “fashion case” to name the coffee everything else but exactly coffee. It is names like Coffee Late, Cappuccino, Cortado, Americano, and God knows what everything else it is named. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: If you look up a simple list you can easily find 45 names of a Coffee in Norway. I swear it is true. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This and at some point he went to the bathroom, puked in the toilet, and smiled somewhat histerically in the mirror afterwards.

He seems nice and friendly (apart from that) but it’s a rather peculiar behavior. And I don’t think they were ■■■■■■■■ that much.

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I work in retail and a coworker of mine was chasing a guy who had taken a glass bottle of liquor and shoved it down the front of his pants and tripped in a field outside the store and the bottle busted oh the misery of pain there

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I blame Starbucks for all these odd names…
I want a black coffee, not an Americano !!! :angry:


Karma was at play…

Nice to see that the topic and the realm have been renamed to “Carolyn & Gevorg”.

He looks so innocent :innocent:


Don’t let that fool you! :rofl: :sweat_smile:

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Look who is back :smiley:

By the way he should have a name now that he’s a regular guest.


New studio in the living room? :stuck_out_tongue: :sweat_smile:

Bad disguise possible it’s very cold there! :rofl: :thinking:


Gevorg continues as fortune teller! :sweat_smile: :hugs:

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And another surprise:


He left :cry:


Checking the replacement work done by Bob, in the bathroom, and in a way they celebrate. :face_with_peeking_eye:



It must be very cold there now, :cloud_with_snow: Here it is almost 2 am and on the street it is 17º.

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Mieux qu’une branlette avant de se coucher, quand tu n’as pas de meilleure option :hugs: :smile:

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