Anny, Merida, Julia

It can be a little bit at different times depending on the time of the day, but luckily for me when it occurs, it rectifies itself during a split second usually. I don`t know why it behaves that way. :hugs:

I’ll have to try another computer now “Henry’s kitchen” caches too! :joy:

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Mira har plutselig dukka opp igjen jo. Neimen. NÄ blei jeg skikkelig overraska altsÄ. :heart_eyes: :joy:

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Does Wendy have her own realm or lives with someone or is she a “guest”?

Most probably Wendy is showing up as a guest for now. I would assume it is so until something changes. :hugs:


Here it usually is the way, that cams stall on Firefox, and Opera works ok, or the other way around. In the last couple days both had problems at the same time.

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She was part of a realm, but left the project more than once.

She keeps coming back ( thank god ), be it to raise views and help Henry, or because she is “torn between two lovers”.

At the moment she is very cam-active with multiple guys, which she wasn’t in the old times, then she always had a temporary privileged man, but her original orientation was towards women.

Bi-sexual I would say.


Maybe they could spring for a new couch and a new bed for Christmas just kidding :crazy_face::rofl:


But only if the last screw has really fallen out of the sofa by Christmas. And nobody knows where to screw it back in. :rofl: :rofl:


ok my guy you be naive
i mean it does not matter as long as they dont get seen doing it

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thats a fact , i mean its not as though there using crack or herion . cocaine is a recreational drug although illegal , many youngsters /students etc and even many adults use it , if there wasnt any arms dealing and drug lords getting rich and powerfull from the proceeds most countries would have it as a class B or even a class C drug , more people are now dying by overdose on prescription drugs than they are from cocaine , so i say what you dont see ,cant affect you , and when we see a participant or guest comming out of the kazie ,just think of it as though they have the sniffles or a itchy snotter :wink: but we all know we have wannabee police men in this forum who like to grass to support but they are just
Rip Jazz GIF by Pull Up Raves
and the pic above also represents those that use the :man_facepalming: and the :-1: down here :wink: :wink: :rofl: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:




Straight from the Gov . uk website :face_with_monocle:

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i know all that i havent lived in a turnip tree for the last 73 years of my life , nos 1 and 6 really shouldnt be in that category. and as for GOV uk website . its about as honest as the fuckers themselves , biggest corrupt corpporation on the planet


yeah that post should of said
(well in the uk its still class A )
but nope dnc man has to go for the gotcha

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That doesn’t change the fact that is a very high risk drug

What happened to this realm?
They ‘‘straightified’’ it again?
Gevorg is banished until the str8 fucking is over?

I wonder what the drugs discussion has to do with Carolyn? :roll_eyes:

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come of it , more people die from mental health , or car accidents anyone who takes a recreational supllement of there own free will should not be punished for it
Simple As That Shrug GIF by The Bachelor

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there was signs of use in her place , thats how the discussion started
nosey red bull GIF by The Disaster Artist

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