Anny, Merida, Julia

not yet, wasn’t sure.

I sat and watched them! The total “chaos” They fiddled with and covered cameras. For a while someone was on “repeat”. Don’t understand how they did it. They were an enormous amount of time, partially or completely under the camera in the bathroom. As shown in the picture, it was completely covered, but also tilted up and down. It is still too high. What they did when the “nicely put” customer showed up, they argued but he came back as shown in the pictures. :face_with_monocle: :unamused:

They can choose to go off cam on purpose to not show what they are doing, I suppose they can do so if they want to. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

I wonder if hitting the realm-“owner” with a fine is the right solution.

Carolyn from my unproven perspective is struggeling with this apartment, I guess this is why Gevorg got a place there. Now him and his friends messing with the cams, any sanction should hit him and his friends, not Carolyn, although I know, the owner is held reliable, should have thought about whom to let in … and alone.



They can go to a different location, where there are no cams if they don’t want to display. Gevorg was well aware of the situation, and if the others don’t like the cams, go elsewhere and have fun.


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I have seen that quite some times during my time here. At the old “new” realm 18 I would strongly guess that is what they did some times. Because I heard they had a couple of apartments available wihout cams most probably. And if they did not want to be displayed on cam, then they went specifically to one of those flats without cams. When they disappeared from the on cam partys. That would be my guess anyway. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

Yes, and that are the places where Pia, Chyna and Debbie got fucked excessively. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

They don’t have a director’s cut, do they??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


There will be some strong language here. But just fuck it off that I did not get to observe that. I would have really loved to get to see it. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :rofl:

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I don’t know how much to elaborate on what happened. It’s probably not for fun. They run pure business. They had some sessions in the “studio” only with night lights and telephones. Gevorg’s friend then wore a full face mask. A lot of back and forth with not visible but clearly audible pursuits. Then two visits by a third party. He didn’t care about the cameras. just the sex. I think Gevorg got a little more than he expected. At least it’s not Carolyn’s fault. Thought Henry had instructed them on how this works.

Very suitable shirt! USA


Thanks for the good cooperation after 10-12 hours!" :face_with_monocle: :thinking:


Great screen shots @Kade181727.

I wonder if the covered camera happened when the fellows were preping for the action that followed.

I found it interesting that their stud for the evening wasn’t into much reciprocation except for eating Gevorg’s ass. For sure it is a tempting ass to munch on.

Gevorg returned the favour. Stud-man had a very tasty looking ass.


Obviously they have places without cameras. We see that when they are suddenly gone and super snoopers like us can’t find them. There are probably some friends who lives there. For example Koen, Loki/Shana and Wendy++++! :sweat_smile:


And of course we do not get to observe it. Just shitty shit. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Online now :wink:

I have to play with something being alone at home!:sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Gevorg fucked by guestguy


link? or name

He went pretty hard on him. He had to get “a boost from the guest`s pocket”. As mentioned above, I think Gevorg got more than he bargained for!

Round before (one of them)!


I found Carolyn (at Henry’s). The guys have “planning meeting” :rofl: :joy:


“Planned business related togetherness.” :hugs: :fire: