
Big party with all her loveres :wink:

Aldon’s halo. The golden c___d has returned.
Hugh Jackman Reaction GIF

Good to see him back. Did you see that lap dancing he was doing earlier? Rather nice, I thought! :wink:

Is he _____? His confidence level seems to have had a boost. I’ve not been watching much as I’m doing boring file management and just glimpsing quickly through the apartment list to give my eyes a change of scene.

No, I don’t think he was _____, just in a rather playful mood today.

I notice that once again Callum isn’t there. Looks like he may be gone for good.

There were a whole load of guys there earlier tonight. I can’t remember if he was one of them. I was too distracted by Aldon, lap dancing with his top off! :open_mouth:

I think it over between Anita and Callum.

She has fucked two other guys since Callum, the one she took to Archi and Katayela’s and a new guy tonight, so I think Callum has long gone.

Si yo también note lo mismo que había uno que estaba muy interesado en el

He is actually an old guy. She was with this one before.

That’s a new one on me. I have never seen a Woman smoke a cigarette while actually eating her breakfast at the same time. Usually smokers go for a smoke ‘After’ they have eaten. Anita is a bad ass girl and a girl I would like to be with. Let’s just say, as much as I would spoil her with gifts but she would have to get used to my cock … a lot!

Que buscará el amigo de anita en el entre pierna del chico nuevo :drooling_face:
El estuvo atento a cualquier movimiento de aldon y su amigo, creo que tiene ganas de participar

ANITA dándolo todo con aldon y el amigo solo mira pero tiene ganas de unirse

Thks, i missed this hot moment

Anita se a portado muy mal con el chico con el que tuvo sexo mientras ella estaba sola triste y abandonada, ahora que volvió su amigo parece no necesitar a este chico y lo a tratado muy mal esta muy m____ta y lo golpea a cada momento, y eso me parece muy mal por que si no lo quiere le debe pedir que se retire o no lo invita más, pero golpear al invitado de esa manera me parece horrible, no es un buen ejemplo el que está dando comportándose de manera violenta.

Este chico estaba tan exitado viendo a aldon y su amigo que no les quito el ojo de ensima y después de un rato se comenzo a masturbar sobre el pantalón, se levantó exitado por el pene muy duro y se fue al baño, seguro a terminar de masturbarse, yo creo que si lo invitan más seguido a mas de alguno se terminará folla do.

@stanley please save the moment mentioned above to the archives thank you.

Can you complete an Archive Request which includes what time it happened?


@stanley I have no idea when it happened i just translated what Dominic said and saw the picture and thought id ask for it.