What is New Girl Name
are the girls on CB? if yes what are their names
What is
I do not spend too much time here on the forum. I really pop in occasionally. I seldom if at all follow any of the discussions. Most discussions end with people being abusive because one has an opinion. So rather than getting involved in a spat, I pop in from time to time to look at the pictures. names don’t really mean much to me. I am sure that the regulars will be able to answer your question.
What is New Girl Name on CB
Я не знаю
I’ve not looked, but if/when she deserves a name may I suggest Esha? The meaning of Esha is Attractive, Pleasure, Desire, Purity (well purity may not be right ).
Who else is leaving??
Did they pack themselves in these giant bags?
Might be a good way to travel on the cheap
Dont tell me you pack yourself in bags while travelling…