Amelie, Oscar & Pearl

Sadly Again in this night :slightly_frowning_face: :s___ping:


Hello! I’m okay, thank you! I have moved on and now my life goes on :wink:
The only thing that bothers me right now is massive air strikes, my city is being attacked every night…
What about Lucas — he’s in combat area in Donbas region, but stays in touch, everything is going well, as he says to me. Artillery attacks continue 24/7, but his team works every day. :unamused:

I want to tell you, that his unit has a fundraising campaign now, collecting donations for buying used off-road car so perform their duties, because their previous one was destroyed by drone attack.
If someone has an aspiration to help them, you can use our PayPal account ( :pray:

Every help will be appreciated…

What about Thelma, she behaves like we have never knew each other, but I let her live her life :innocent:

A huge thank you for staying with us in this time :heart:


done… good luck :kissing_heart:


Must be very hurtful for you when help is thrown back in your face but such is life unfortunately.
You did your best and you can only be proud of that, you did try.
It’s her life to live how she chooses to live it so her responsibility now.


Ur welcome I will always stay with with you guys :100: and you guys are always in my prayers :pray:
Happy No Problem GIF by Pudgy Penguins


Yes, Simon is a gorgeous young man, that’s for certain. I admit, I do miss seeing him on camera.

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honte a toute cette violence vivre l’ukraine et honte a poutine …

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:woman: :heart: :leopard:




how sorry I am to see her alone I was hoping that thelma would keep him company until lukas returned… :cry: :cry:

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Amelia has been very hurt by Thelma’s actions and doesn’t understand why. :cry:


in fact this hurts me even more…(but I think thelma is succubus to her partner and so she does whatever he says)… :rage:

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Unfortunately in cases like this the women is just immune to any realistic action for her safety but Amelia has been very hurt by all this and her rejection by Thelma.

and true because from what amelie says in a little while he won’t even say goodbye to her after all he’s done for her…but of course we all know who’s to blame for that…

comment bien choisir ses amis (e) en 2023?

please explain your thinking better…

ont ne choisit pas ses amis(e) par solidarité . je vous aime mais je ne vous écoute pas.