What happened? i hope no problem
I was watching at the time It didn’t seem to be anything serious
thanks for the update fingers crossed
What happened?
great picture Guvna
What a wonderful kitchen dance. @Amelie_Lucas what’s name of the the song? I like it too, especially the beat.
Amelie & Lucas, gr pa sent it.
wink wink non nod
No Vlad tonight. Angi is alone all night.
Does he have a fever?
Shaking all over…
It appears that Camera 8 has migrated to the Bathroom but is still on the wall in the Bedroom, what’s going on @VHTV_James ?
To me everything in that place seems normal…
Weird, I just refreshed the page and now all is well. I did notice Amelia was reattaching cam 8 to the wall earlier on the timeline. Just strange how it dropped cam 9 into the slot cam 8 took. Thanks for the heads up @jabbath1987
Looks like he was having a little me time