Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

you could well be right none of us have a clue what’s going on coz we dont speak Russian /Ukrainian and we dont haver subtitles

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si a ragione scot il fatto di mettere de sottotitoli sarebbe una grande idea, anche perché poche persone conoscono la lingua russa, proponiamo questa proposta anche se dovessimo pagare un supplemento sull abbonamento prenium!!!

sorry Hyman 135717 mate i am English and as everyone in the world knows most of us only speak English sorry my apologies i dont understand what you have written

anche a me mi sembra molto strano che tanya non sta più dormendo nel letto con amelia e lucas , sembra come se avrebbero fatto qualche discussione fra di loro tre, comunque e un peccato che non stanno nel letto tutti e tre insieme, tanya e una grande strafiga senza togliere nulla ad amelia,ci piacerebbe vederli in azione tutti e tre insieme ci e stato un periodo che tanya si stava lasciando andare scene leggermente lesbo con amelia poi un mezzo bocchino ad lucas, ma poi improvvisamente tutto fermo, e adesso non stanno neppure nello stesso letto, che delusione!!! chiedo formalmente alla direzione VH TV che questi tre concorrenti si lascino andare, anche perché noi non paghiamo l abbonamento caso mio prenium x vedere solo le lore faccine, ma vogliamo vedere qualche scena molto più hot!!!

Click on the globe at bottom of post and it translates it for you

o scritto che sarebbe una buona idea mettere nei video in diretta anche i sottotitoli che nel caso i utenti italiani in italiano, cosi come ta utente inglese sottotitoli in inglese, questa e una proposta molto interessante!!!

It will simply have to be accepted that there was a short circuit between them at some point. Nothing special, it happens all the time. The problem I see is that they are not moving anywhere. It may be their agreement to live separately in this small apartment, but the question is how smart it is all together.

I don’t understand Tania’s role here. If she opted for such a position, it all makes no sense. She used to have to come back every other day, because of her parents, now all of a sudden she lives here permanently.

We know that in the meantime she traveled abroad. She returned directly to the L&A apartment. Which probably means her parents still think she’s abroad.

This is how I imagine the whole story. Tania says at home that she is going on holiday abroad and she is coming back…we don’t know which day. She agrees with L&M that she will end up abroad much earlier and move to them for the holidays, where they can party peacefully. At that moment, something must have gone wrong. The trio has broken apart, we don’t know exactly why, but the problem is because she can’t come home early, her parents still think she’s abroad.

I have information from Lucas that she has very strict parents.

L&A also can’t just throw her out on the street if they’ve agreed to be with them. This would mean that they are simply waiting for the time, Tania has planned to return home, to pass.

It sounds complicated but I just can’t imagine otherwise why they would find themselves in such a status quo situation.

Of course, I may be completely wrong, it’s just thinking for me so that I can somehow imagine the situation here.

I sure do like stories :rofl:

It makes sense, although we cannot know if it is exactly like that, the point is that it seems that we only have to entrust ourselves to Bella. :pray:

i dont understand how Bella &Leo live close to Amelie&Lucas but there is 1 hour difference in their time (unless they live alongside a dateline :laughing:


For example I think Ukraine is +2 and its Belarus neighbors +3

I just think the time in one of the places is wrong :upside_down_face:

It is most likely because it is clear that the two apartments are close

Both couples living in the same place maybe the the time is wrong.

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I did mention the time difference 25 days ago

It is not allowed to say where they live

It’s not confidential :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Beautiful Tania finally leaving. Good luck, girl.


If we don’t see her again, I’ll be happy for her.


Bye bye Tanya you will be missed. You deserve better.