Ambar & Dane

angelo used to have the most sex out of everyone in this group of friends in the old apartment now it seems like he is reduced to just watching only :thinking::man_shrugging:


Las 2 chicas que durmieron en la sala de gestos, ¿van a volver esta noche? :slight_smile:



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adrian & angelina is back

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i see adrian wants to give ambar another pounding :joy:

angelo once again is always on the outside looking in, i think he brought the other girl because she is into swinging but she doesn’t have a boyfriend so he helps her feel comfortable by being next to her :man_shrugging:

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the new girl got a proper welcome to the group :joy:

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Which one was the new girl? I couldn’t tell which ones were couples or not.

Yes one other sluttie that think she made it with her porm act and fucking all the guys and want still more porno pirno…en ze is in eens weg van de gespierde gast er maar achter lopen…zo geweldig was hem niet…die zit meer achter die ander gasten dan bij hare lover…wat een hopeloze achterlijke geit zo iedereen op haar laten kruipen…die word gewoon lekker gebruik zo te horen aan die mannen hunne felle praat…

the skinny one

on the couch

Now, that’s what I call a great orgy. Everyone participated and shared. If they keep this up, they are going to have to relocate again to a house with larger bedrooms

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Even the delivery guy got a piece of the action :fire: :fire: :fire:

She cant get enough i told you a really sluttie dirty and she has no relstion ship withbthat guy only there too get fucked lot by everyoand thats what yiu kike all pppfff…vieze sletjes moet ze niet fier op zijn…zo voor de cam te doen…kan iederee no proud of her self…ze wilt wel de bodybuilder neuken vies wijf…