Che gruppo:heart_eyes:
I’ll do my best to get good pictures for wiki in that realm they are always in the dark or with coloured lamps, hard also save good moments
realm they are always in the dark or with coloured lamps
No, from what I hear in their conversations, is up to Ambar and Dane to select the couples. I already asked why this guy is always there if he doesn’t participate but I never got an answer back.
@Ambar is a beautiful angel
I like this realm but I wish to fuck they would ‘TURN OFF’ their ribbon lighting when they have parties and orgies. I am sure it is nice for them and it sets a nice atmosphere but it is s__t for viewers. We simply need pure normal ‘White’ lights which has been installed in their apartment in the first place!!
Others have tried it in the past and have been roasted for using it by viewers. This was the only best view I could get. I personally love ribbon lighting! It works in so many ways and for so many things but NOT for VHTV participants / cameras.
WOW sure a lot to love on in this image…
This guy doesn’t "bite’ or even “bark” with girls. I’m trying to figure what his role is in this apartment.
Maybe he’s just a friend…? People are still allowed to have those right?
Hey Ambar, I wanted to let you know that your apartment is my most favorite of all on VHTV. I’ve been here with VHTV since the beginning and following you guys since the previous site. Please keep up the great (whatever you guys do) for your fans.
I have a requests or questions if you could please advise. Is there anyway possible to add a hallway cam, re-install the third cam back in the bedroom facing the closet, and turn both bathroom cams toward the left some for more range?
Again, thanks for being one of the best apartments here.
They had more cameras including a second guest bedroom but them cameras never came back online.