Ambar & Dane

Si ya van dos veces que nos dejan :fire:encendidos, pero vamos a tener una reunión muy buena en estos días con mas invitados y también los que estuvieron ayer


Leiste my mensage?

Indícame cuál

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Debes de invitar a una pareja por el Weekend para que se sientan mas libre de hacer lo que quieran. Un par de horas no es suficiente.

I think they can’t let other couples stay because of guest guy…:thinking::sweat_smile: and there is only one sofa in living room…

So the guy can s___p on the sofa for a couple of days. No big deal. Us latins are used to that.

Beauty :smiling_imp: :heart_eyes:


I was watching beauty….:heart_eyes: but cam was not working properly and many glitches between time frame…:confused:

Yeah i was having stuttering pictures and funny’s happening.

A woman is happy here …


@Ambar :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck: :kissing_heart: :boom: :boom: :100:

world cup dancing GIF by Digg

lick GIF

Dane is too busy with work, drop work and go take care of ambar


Has the internet been fixed i thought there was another guest room but was turned offline due to the internet.

Offline…! ISP issues


Thanks @Ambar cams are working great….:+1:t2::blush:


I hope VHTV is recording because I lost the connection to their apartment

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How to not do a party :man_facepalming::

  • Bad internet
  • Bad cam setup for the sofas
  • Bad lighting
  • Block the view of one cam

But cams are working fine than before…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: still need updates… loggia and bedroom cam

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