Ambar & Dane

@amber you are doing great girl getting hotter and hotter, just keep it up eh you are doing fine :+1:
Dunno if Dane approves though :rofl: but we sure do.



Booty Latina GIF

Flag Colombia GIF by Latinoji


3 pairs of incredibly hot boobs. Shame the guests didn’t do more!

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Gracias chicos por los buenos comentarios, estamos intentando con Dane estar en el mundo swinger, la experiencia nos a gustado mucho y esperamos seguir así con muchos invitados y si se dan las cosas también intercambios :heart_on_fire:


Men encanta eso y son una pareja excelente para compartir

Debes de invitar a una pareja por el Weekend para que se sientan mas libre de hacer lo que quieran. Un par de horas no es suficiente.

Mmmm so sexy when she angry :smiling_imp: :yum:

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Bonita pikante :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face:

Cute looking guest.

Ambar start undressing, to encourage her. :smiley:

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They are good looking…:+1:t2: But guests who visited yesterday were…:smiling_imp::fire: with big cannons…:wink:

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They were indeed big cannons… :smiley:

I think it’s normal interaction session…:sweat_smile:

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Well that’s just boring. :slight_smile:

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Cam 5 working fine but still cam 8 is offlisted from some days…:no_mouth:

It was a good party hope u guys enjoyed…:+1:t2::blush:

he smells wet pussy :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Started good, but I didn’t like the ending.

They obviously don’t have a power crisis over there then, go out leave everything on :rofl: