
Have a name yet? :thinking:

Not yet. Let’s see what she will do…

Levis look at her tshirt:sweat_smile:

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Dont give up on Nuns even they have little fetish s (I hope ) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i m fan 501 levis

Gotta get em out of the habit first :rofl:

I do not believe, knowing who the manager is…

Typical Nelly, wash your hair, but not your whole body, for her only the head is important, too bad…

The nuns have a water allergy. tumblr_mu7zjiw6ZD1rcoly3o1_400

If it were not for Capo’s fantastic nipples I would not bother with this apartment. :s___ping:

just the one? Mark Wahlberg Reaction GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Oooops very observant tonight, fixed.

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sorry, couldn’t resist. :grin:

We will call her Nuna… :joy: :rofl:

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The guest girl is taking a bath, maybe Nelly is following now, but I hardly think so…

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She even washed her pussy :rofl:

Capo is one of the sexiest girls for me on VHTH. I wish she would do the teasing on the sofa ending in a slow (riding) fuck more often.

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Twice… :rofl: :joy:

Phew ! thank god she has a cat & not a dog it could go to dogging talk then :upside_down_face: