
Nah, this one is for the bangs. If I’m not mistaken (at least it seems like the same guy) they fucked like rabbits mid June.

wow wow, Capo got a taste for it… 3th time in less then 24hrs… or is it 4th? See, i even lost count :smiley:



I already mentioned it earlier - check archives mid Jun, these 2 are like rabbits :grin:

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oh, yes, a lot of footage of those two allready… hadnt discoverd those yet… tnx We should send Ross a link… he could really learn somthing from it

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I think there is more lads that could use some guidance :grin:

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I havend seen Capo so happy in a long time.

Yeah good isn’t it. he is so lovely really classy. Romantic almost


maybe it is Romantic for her.

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It doesn’t seem like this girl has a profile on here to chat with us but I hope she s feeling ok today

Nelly is back! :slight_smile:

Wow! Haven’t seen her in forever. I’ll never forget her teaching skinny butt, little Annatto twerk. That was so cute and funny. Anna got it down about as good as a skinny butt girl could do. Nelly was a natural, of course.

You don’t have to expect much from Nelly, she hates being naked, and she doesn’t like taking a bath either, just watch it, it would have been better if Sabrina had come back.

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New girl in guest room

But how is going away?

Another nun for the sewing workshop …

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New Girl with Capo