Alana & Alrik


I am not bothered anymore

Bored Maggie Q GIF by ABC Network

Jaz now fucked by 3 guys…… and yesterday 4th guy was trying on her….:sweat_smile:

Still less than Dilara but she is “the easiest girl on site” :rofl: :rofl:

I think Dilara is also on same record… 3 guys

Nop, she had 4

I hope Jaz will add many more :joy: :heart:

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Actually 4 guys: Zake, Elliot, Pablo and the guy with glasses she fucked first when she moved in

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U mean 1 min guy pasculine….:rofl:
Pablo….:thinking: when did that happen…?
I think u r talking about Mitch

Lol guess you missed the only interesting and real threesome she had :rofl:

Ups, you lost her best fuck :rofl: :rofl:

Now I have to check…:sweat_smile:

After counting Mitch it will be 5….:thinking::sweat_smile:


But why Mitch?? Do they even talk?

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No but they did sex….ryt

Wtf… who are you talking about?? Guess you had some side effects from Golo travels :rofl:

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Who the fuck is Mitch? :rofl: :rofl:

Guest guy usually at Amalia place. Friend of Mop, Pascual and Pilar (the one he had sex and shower blowjob)


Started to believe i been missed something :rofl: :rofl: