Alana & Alrik

So far everything is going well for this apartment. I hope they continue like this.

will sing into the microphone😁

The day jazmin will get pregnant this will be the line for the adn test

Line Waiting GIF by South Park

She actually fucked only those two, yet :rofl:

Cams4 and 7 hit…

There are those who know this house in the past. The function of this girl in the house is exactly Lenoid.
The type of girl who cannot have fun and prevents others from having fun.

Jaz is working hard for rent tonight


I hope New guy comes to visit again and next time joins the fun.


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Ryder was about to go……:rage::rage: now s___ping with Jaz….:triumph:

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I don`t care anymore, now its obvious she has nothing to do with any of them, just business fucking

But healthy business with happy employees is very important :grin:

It was a great night :heart_eyes:


:face_with_raised_eyebrow::upside_down_face::smirk: :money_mouth_face:

It was, but do not praise them too much, because they will rest on their laurels, and we won’t see anything else than what we had already seen before :grin:

Jazmin recovered from her period quickly enough.

She actually still changing tampons :open_mouth:


So she fucked in her period time ….:sweat_smile::rofl:

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