omg I didn’t see Rollie while she was here I’m a big fan of hers
I refused nicotine, my friends! Now I’ll be stronger and healthier
Stick it!
For all her fans, and anyone interested to watch more hardcore videos, I got permission to reveal the nickname she uses in the business. Look for Ally Horny
Can anyone post a video of Agnes’s dumbbell exercises? Please.
I thought she looked familiar. Well this gets my hopes up for seeing more Rollie, they seem like good friends and I’ve enjoyed some things they have done together. Though Rollie seems to travel a bit so I understand if she doesn’t show up
I couldn’t hold back and smoked again
I was a guest at Rolly’s. Now she’s gone and I don’t think she’ll show up. She travels and doesn’t sit still
I don’t think you should worry. The time will come and you will try again.
I smoked on and off in my 20’s and managed to stop before 30. I enjoyed smoking but I am so glad that I stopped! You will get there if you want to!
thank you