Agnes & Neo

@Agnes Hello Beautiful,

I just wanted to bring something to your attention. Since you’re new to the project maybe you’re not aware of how badly these webcams react to dim lighting conditions. They don’t have the sensitivity or dynamic range to deliver good video quality then. The rule of thumb is quite simply, the more light, the better.

What makes things worse is that the video streams have a low bitrate, they are highly compressed. That means there is only very little space in the data stream to describe, which pixels of the image change their color from one still image of the video the next one. Therefore it is beneficial to keep the keep the number of changing pixels low, or keep the image static so to say.

With constant lighting all the background pixels basically stay the same color, which is good. But these colored LED lamps that keep blinking or changing the color of the light are the worst. With these, or if the room is mostly lit by the moving images on a TV screen, all the pixels in the image keep changeing their color all the time, and there’s only enough data space to give a very rough, not a detailed description of that. That’s why the image then gets very blurry or noisy.

Here’s a sample video from the same cam with different lighting conditions. First with the ring light on, then the normal room lights, and then mostly that LED light. There’s almost no detail with the colored LED lighting. Maybe you need to watch this on something bigger than a phone screen to see the full loss of quality.

Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to boss you around. If you prefer to enjoy your private moments in “romantic lighting” that’s entirely up to you. But I believe that, if you make it a habit to keep the lights on for sex, or to open the curtains and let more daylight in, in the long run the better video quality may lead to more viewers and more revenue.

Hugs and Kisses,