Aderyn & Aylin

just check that 10 hours

Astrid wow no were to sit Aderyn will not move

Is this all about a kick-off for another “threesome”?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

11 hours on the computer Astrid saw him for 3 min one foe a smoke the bathroom and a chip so sad

That’s because she is by herself

she well leave him sooner then later Guido cares only about him self

mom didn t let me sit so much

you will see him when he wants sex

the computer is more important than sex

it won t be soon

if there is a computer,sex is not needed

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pulled out the bed so she can s___p and hes back on hes computer 12 hours now he has no respect for her SO SAD

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Astrid summoned the ichthyander

he can t see the world outside of the computer

Aderyn wants to play with Guido

the computer was taken away from the c___d at home, at least let him sit here at the computer for the holiday, what are you so angry!

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You know what I really think so because he is always wanting to to be around him close when they s___p and he wants to be naked up under him too

Yea its going to take one guy to fuck it up for both and that guy is going to be aderyn

@Aderyn_Aylin @Aderyn Дети вас тоже с рождеством :wink:

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