Aderyn & Aylin

and guido still on the computer

maybe there will be an exchange in the apartament

please no this one is to small and its got a computer are thay there to make money for this rat hole place

Aylin is very social today

I just noticed that in Kanzatip in the guest room there is also such a stuffed a____l.

I completely agree that he is and yes I also agree about the phone call

To keep up drama

if i was Astrid i would leave Guido 50 min. still on computer came out kiss her and then bushed her off no vt no cards just phones he does not give her the time of day she to fun to be there

I hope so but I don’t think so

Yan and Flora bring them home. this will not work this is very boring

@Aderyn I hope it will be a change for this place. You, Guido and his girlfriend. I love you guys :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

yes but not here to small the VT has never been on only 2 people can sit down

look it Astrid she is bored she the only one talking

for sure Guido has a computer and no Astrid is needed

you know the old saying you don’t know what you got until its gone

Yeah she looks very “bored” :roll_eyes:


ha ha that one pic im talking the hour

Doesn’t give her the time of day? All they do is spend time together and fuck at Yan’s place

Guido breaks the new record is already almost 10 hours on the computer

If Guido spends all the time on the computer, Miss. Candy Red spends all the time on the bed. It’s the same, but “strangely” nobody complains about her