yea sorry dont spend all day on here to know everyones personal life story bit sad when its basically a porn site and some of the comments on this forum is right down creepy/stalkerish anyway but whatever floats ur boat
I thought I was the only person who thought the same I read in fascination on how involved people are, and I am like, where do they see all that at?
Some here have personal contacts with some residents. We are not all here just because of porn.
Isn’t that what whatsapp and texting are for? Personal communication!
Whichever one sits more.
worse ones are where people discuss the relationships of each other like they know what each is thinking like its some soap opera…
Make me sick with the bulls__t! I just come to skim through the day to see if any good facking went down, look in the archives to see if I missed something, look in the forum and go about my day.
Others up in here act like they own the damn company and forum and ain’t even on payroll!
too many lonely souls
Don’t tell anyone but some of them do actually think they own the site
Well, you did throw away your money, s__t happens.
You do have PH, you know. Free.
And with her who’s the same when she’s gone have sex Because the guy she’s supposed to be with on here you can count on your hands the many times that they’ve had sex and I can tell you right now it’s less than five
So the new guy left? why is Aylin alone? Havent seen Aderyn around nether on the computer?
No he’s back at Flora’s right now
He is there all day. Surprisingly didn’t run home after Aylin did come back.
So he broke up with Aylin? I read that he. Was gadering stuff from the appartment
Nope he did not pick up anything or take anything from the apartment I don’t know what it is you can see that they have right now but confusion lol
Yes and all you have to do is go back to last night and look whatever that little red Garman is hanging up behind him Was not hanging there last night or anytime during the day after she left