Aderyn & Aylin

@Demario181661 I am a bad influence on you. Your starting to sound like me LOL joking

I came to conclusion that aylin is a ston cold heartless b**** .
she did all the dirt and still she is the one to compalin again , you know u donā€™t like aderyn at all so why put him through this s__t, why living with him when you really want someone alse.

and aderyn stoop acting like a litle pappy or her slave doing every thing she ask, come on you feeding her and serve her after she was all night wit someone else? you even bought the panty hoe she wear to her date :man_facepalming: is patatic. she donā€™t love u so move onā€¦

maybe because Aylin turned him down again

he is her toy

Come on @Damion182317 there is nothing wrong in holding your best friend cock while his girlfriend is piss at you for doing Everyone need Youā€™ve Lost That Loving Feeling

You amaze me, here the boy with the soft heart and ā€œLoving Feelingā€. In the Henry area, the tough guy who calls Kosta more of a ā€œpussyā€.

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Yeah, when we were like 8 years old in the bath. Wouldnā€™t hold it now, donā€™t know where itā€™s been! :laughing:

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Tell you the truth , Aderyn is a pussy and a loserā€¦ If I was Guido Girlfriend would have told him to f off long time ago.

Plus he not the brightest kid on the block and Aylin can get away with the things she does ā€¦ He owns it on himself no one else to blame.

My Truth: Full Consent

The problems and I think we all agree Aderyn prefers males to females, so why would Aylin want a relationship with him and that is looking at it from both sides. Yes she can be feisty but when you see Guido and Aderyn together IMO not surprising. This issue is both living in the same house. What would be better is for the Manager to give them both a week alone in the house and them be able to invite over who they wish and the person with the most views gets to stay full-time in the apartment? A little bit of competition would certainly improve this house. and maybe keep us entertained for the right reasons

Aderyn needs a girl similar to Astrid to guide him throug it all somehow

Already 50% of Astrid k__l Aderyn. :joy: :rofl:

Guido did not k__l

He never has a problem finding Guidoā€™s cock though

It looks like he needs a man, not a girl. Iā€™m convinced that he is more into guys than he is into girls.

Guido has also undergone a powerful change here, I think. A few months ago I donā€™t think anyone would have put only 1 ruble on Guido.

The two girls in front of Astrid opened it and Astrid challenged him from the beginning in sex maratons.

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you think Aylin lives there ,she only comes to s___p there

why shouldn t the same happen with Aderyn

Itā€™s in the video, she did ask him to leave, she also opened the door for him to leave, he didnā€™t want to leave so she pushed him out the door

@Fletcher98946 if you where a female would you want a boyfriend like Aderyn. Maybe Aylin does not have a permitted place to stay ā€¦ (we do not know her backstory) Yes we know she can leave anytime she wants ā€¦ if this the only way to get a pay check so be it ā€¦