She needs to go, no respect for Aderyn.iven as roomates she nows that he as fealings for her and she s__t on that and keeps doing things that eart him.
Aylin returned to the hotel
Absurd. Aylin comes back after s___ping with another one from Yan, makes a pissed face, push Aderyn out of the bathroom as if she wants to make a jealous scene. And then the guilty would be Aderyn … I have no words
I just wish she would pick a path and decide what she want. She can’t s___p with other guys and then be angry with Aderyn everytime…
Flora arrangers it all well
I honestly don’t know how you came to that conclusion She entered the bathroom on her own about to have a shower he comes in and try’s to trap her by the sink and she asked him to leave, I’ll leave the video here for people to form there own conclusion tho
That’s her MO some one if they could needs to check her put her in her place Muse is going to find out about it I bet I hope she do and he is dumb if he doesn’t know that she did that
Aderyn is just her handmaiden
Basically because I believe if flora can put them out then he should be able to to Aylin out because she is all about the DRAMA!!! that’s all no sex just DRAMA
@Aderyn we want more of this from you and Guido … I am crossing my fingers for the day you get on your hands and knees and give Guido a service call.
Why you say Flora put in out? Those she order on the project? Who pays the bills?I can agree that Flora can influciente on many thinks and some on her behalf but she cant order stuff on Aderyn apartment since they must have a contract with the landlord and the project it self. Now, i dont understand how Aderyn lets Flora and Aylin treat in like a Dog and they got the leech. He needs to brake free and that starts stating with Aylin all clear and send her to mom Flora since she loves then and spends more time there.
IS that normal lol. Some kind off friendship lol
I was hoping that Guido and Aderyn would make a treasum with Guidos girls since they are so close.
Only normal on VHTV LOL every were else would classify as bi-sexual or he/she still in the closet… I do not want to offend those people that believe in the proper gender pronoun or miss categorize their gender in western society.
she did not ask and pushed out
I still think that A&G are good friends and everything beyond that is more for the camera / forum.
A. is just without affection at the moment and tries to get it somewhere, that’s understandable, everyone wants to be loved.
What a pain in the ass he is? Why is he disturbing them with his immature and silly behavior?
I just don’t understand his behaviour, it’s not normal. Ok, he’s missing the affection of a good women, so to compensate for this lack of affection,he plays with Guido’s cock, and in front of Guido’s girlfriend, whom he knows hates that he does that, but stuff her feelings. Bizarre to say the least!
Aderyn will be angry now, but I’ll say it anyway.
He lacks maturity and empathy here. I don’t think he notices that he is disturbing.
He reads this forum, he has been told so many times, but he has never modified his behaviour.