I’ll have a little chip at this, so to your point about operators saving moments that interest them, well Imo isn’t such as an issue now because there are more operators with different ideas of what is interesting so what one operator doesn’t deem interesting it is highly likely one of the others may pick it up. It is human nature after all that we only ever see with our own eyes and it can be difficult to see what others would find an interest in, this is why we utilise the moments request section to help get a broader selection.
Agree. There have been times when I have seen a request and thought it would have never entered my head to save that as a moment. So saving every interesting moment may sound ideal, but when everyone has a different view on what is interesting or not it’s not so easy to do in practise.
If people see something that they really want to see saved then just make a request and it will be 100% certain to go into the archives. If people see something and make an assumption that it will be saved then there may be a 90% chance it’s saved. Still very likely, but a request will turn likely into certainty.
Jabba, if you “totally understood what I meant”, why was it necessary to be so defensive in your reply? I was not attacking you or any other operator, or even what operators do. I simply asked a question to get clarification on something Kaya told me that was confusing because of how she said it. It had nothing to do with you or any operator personally.
Sorry if I got it sounded this way. Was not my intention
Et tu, Justy? This issue was never about any operator or what you guys actually do. It was simply a question for clarification of something Kaya said that was confusing. I even explained this to Jabba 9 hours ago. This is what I said to him: “What she said made it sound like, if there was something that was not interesting to an operator AND there was no request for it, then it wouldn’t get archived. THAT’S what I was speaking to, not what you or any operator actually does or gets done.”
This is what Kaya said that prompted my question: “So, if this moment is not saved - then nobody from operators was interested in it and it also was not requested by anyone else.” At that moment, I didn’t know or even care what you guys actually do, I just wanted clarification on that statement.
With all the operators you have, as I told Jabba, I’m sure you do capture almost all of what would be interesting to everyone, but that was completely irrelevant to my conversation with Kaya.
This has been an unbelievably unnecessary s__t storm. And to top it all off, Kaya got it all started and she never even replied.
What’s that old saying, "Too many cooks etc etc.
One interesting point though, what’s stopping more than one operator saving the same clips or do others know what others are doing?
Only asking?
If an operator has saved a moment then it appears on the operators panel timeline as a colour block area, kind of like what everyone else see’s on the timeline.
Could you please clarify if my comment on anything is still expected or maybe it’s all resolved by now?
Thankyou, perfect clarification
I’m trying to understand exactly what the point of your question was, the only thing I can think of is when Kaya refers to if moments aren’t saved then the operator wasn’t interested in it.
In this context for me I would say that I have a bias and believe all people to have biases and this is what directs us on how we approach this, but I do try to overcome my bias and try to think of moments that I may not like but others will this is tricky to try and see outside of your own likes and discomforts, for instance I personally am not interested in guy on guy stuff as this does nothing for me but I do appreciate that there is a community with a voice on this forum so I try not to let my bias get in the way and if I see some guy on guy action then I will save that moment.
So in total I think we operators capture a lot of moments that we find interesting for ourselves but also what we believe others would find interesting as well. When we say something along the line of we didn’t see anything of interest, well for me personally I don’t specifically mean my own interests but what I think others may enjoy too.
Also another part of your question of " What she said made it sound like, if there was something that was not interesting to an operator AND there was no request for it, then it wouldn’t get archived." this also could easily be answered in that if all operators open a apartment and see someone s___ping for the whole day and there is no request then of course this won’t be interesting and not archived.
Hopefully I am on the right track with your question if not I am quite happy to try and answer.
Nodded off half way through
Hate to say this guys but this is a room forum not a b___dy nerds topic on tech , please move this subject to its correct topic heading . Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz = BORING!
@jabbath1987 can you please move Let’s question and all our responses out of this thread to a general topic thread.
Great to see no flies on you too.
Oh no not sabatage
So Jabbath is a moment Operator +1 eh
He wears a few different hat’s is probably the way to say it.
Guess the translation widget still have some issues to fix
Has been done
Where is this widget?