@VHTV_James I have one question. The guests on here are they all in the VHTV circle or are boys and girl outside the circle?
What do you mean by this?
What i mean is like Zelda is she chosen by managers or is she chosen by Artem.
Some get chosen by managers and some are just friends of participants.
Thanks Jabbs.
And others are just random people that appear from somewhere
Pretty sure that Zelda was chosen by Artem. Don’t forget that Artem is a guest himself.
I think if Zelda had been chosen by the manager she would have moved in by now. But instead since Artem has started dating Zelda, they have both spent more days away from the apartment than at the apartment.
Or from nowhere in particular
Realms 31, 59, 61 and 67 get them from local Kindergarten
Zelda is chosen by Artem