7 Days added ❔❓

Hi there my subscription ran out today I now have 7 days can someone fill me in I have no idea :rofl::rofl:

someone from admin saw your comment earlier and must of took pity on you , :rofl: I always guessed there was something about you , this as just proved all along what we was thinking ,your the
200w (3)

I think I’ve been demoted also bk to level 2 :rofl::rofl:

I would also give up my TL3 level for 7 free days… :laughing:

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give with one hand and take with the other hey :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I had no choice :rofl::rofl:

when you buy a topup you will prob get TL3 back , a gift doesnt count lol

Maybe I never thought of that :rofl:

still im going to cause all kinds of s__t with this now , admins have favourites grrrrrr . think ill stir the pot :rofl: :rofl:

Enjoy mate :rofl::rofl: maybe it’s a consolation prize for my demotion

right here goes