48h timeline

Would you concider extending the depth of the timeline? You have quite a high number of apartments, and only 24 hours to watch through everything. Sometimes, when there are multiple events going on at the same time, it would be nice if we could sit down the next evening to catch up on the happenings of the night before. As it is now, you have to get on pretty early, or else there is a high possibility that the beginning of what you were going to catch up on have already disappeared from the timeline.

For me, I think 48 hours would be perfect. But even 30 hours would help alot.
In comparison, RLC has 10 days!!


I would support an extension. Much of the fun occurs when I am as___p, and it is difficult to catch up. While the archives are extensive, sometimes you need the context of foreplay or other occurrences which might not appear in a saved video, which you can get from the timeline.

The archives catches almost exclusively the most essecial of the sex scenes. For all the rest, the context, the buildup, the reasons and the emotions, you definitely need the timeline.

To put it this way:
With the archives you get the porn.
With the timeline you get the voyeurism, and the real life.

i do agree and with my enjoyment being in the build-up or the tease i would agree with ed2.
may be even a slightly more expensive option for 48 hours ?

I agree with the suggestion of a longer timelines for the reasons given above