67y, old, weight 300, lbs 5’ 6"tall, So I have a big belly & a small dick, That’s why I do oral sex to give you girls what you like the most. But if you would let me after getting you off from the oral sex. If you don’t want to have regular sex, I will leave without asking you again. We have been married, and I am a very unhappy guy. My wife has denied me sex for the last 10y & I did nothing wrong. Well, all that will change if I can find F.w B. real close to me. We are going to become very good friends. No smoking, No illegal drugs & you must be clean. & I don’t drink. If I am going to be giving you oral sex, I can’t come home with anything on my lips. so if you want oral sex you will do this, Massillon, Ohio.’ & if you let me, I might do some kinky thing to you, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do, & I will never hit you or beat you in any way. I am not a violent person, If you are. Please don’t come near me. Dennis