Can someone tell me. How long will it take before someone turns off the circuit breakers here?
Huh? They are still there?
I looked back. This is probably the best this apartment has offered since the beginning. I’m surprised they’re not off-line yet.
A post was merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters
Who owns the apartment, why is it still lit?
Hiding in the shower, being in the shower or not is the same, always hiding and avoiding images
I already know what they’re going to say, but it’s not just now, it’s always, nothing can be seen, one of the lowest quality baths on Vhtv
It is not her fault. Just a stupid decision of manager to put a the camera the way that the sink blocks the view of the shower
Yes, I agree, I already made the "Tikect"to request for another camera, but Vanessa, could do better, she also uses the situation to avoid images