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Currently Rosy and Aleks are with Joanna at Yuneska & Radu apartment. Having a meal and playing cards. All seem happy and laughing with Aleks hand occasionally stroking Joanna’ back. Rosy has noticed this and Rosy’s eyes could be turning a shade of green. Just my observation.
Yes of course he does…what a silly question!!! …
You just gave me the best laugh of the day! (just to ensure its not out of disrespect for you or the LGBTQ+ community). Enjoy the view
Everybody on their phones and Joanna trying to figure out which one to watch Rosy or Pyro oh wait Joanna got her phone now but Pyro don’t
But of course, what else is there to see in this picture?
Oh hang on a moment, what’s THIS?..
… …
Thank you for the pictures and thank you to Radu and Pyro for the activity.
Anyone no whats happening with Draca and Pyro? What happen last night, anyone no?
Yine bu ev boş çıktı orgy olmalıydı
you have more chance of winning the lottery than there being an orgy in this apartment no chance at all