Yuneska & Radu

I’m thinking may should signify better that this post is from Cortez and not from you directly?

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Why are they so cold and tasteless? All three of them were drowning in their phones from morning to night. Don’t they want to play?


they “play” with the viewers … :wink:


Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth, then go to bed. you’re so tired of having too much sex.

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It’s called “Click Bate”.


Yaneska and Joana had a disappointing day today, in which 90% of the time they spent in their room lying down and of that time lying down, 95% were on their cell phones. Almost zero real interaction, almost 100% digital interaction. Boring


Hello Yuneska Radu Johana, today have a 3some sex and also be naked at home.



They lame and the crazy part is that it’s intentional. Joanna is simply putting on a front but she’s definitely craving, why do you think she keeps her underwear on most of the time? Or turns up the music whenever Yuneska and Radu are having sex? Also pay close attention to her trips to the bathroom…its definitely not hard to see :smirk:

But give it time…these 3 wont be here long!


You should start writing novels. the talent is there… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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im allowing you opportunity to correct me…all he keeps saying is this isnt a “sex party apartment” like people aren’t suppose to have sex unless the sign on the door says so :joy:

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And they do have sex. Naturally, only Y&R like any normal couple do.

All the rest, is only and strictly in your fantasies

They tryna act “normal” now but it’s too late. Especially when Radu and Joanna were getting sexual not too long ago…sorry!

What was the last moments before off? And where are they now?

Man, when will you understand that the more you and others speak about Radu and Joanna (which will never happen), the more they’re going to “play” this game ? It is this simple, you and others are giving them everything they need…the perfect “script” to play with…


Dude, it aint even about them two :joy: i’m simply making a bigger point. But did you know that if you tell two people to have sex enough times you can actually cause it to occur. Even if neither of them are attracted to each other if you keep telling them that they WANT to have sex with each other they will eventually have sex. Of course this only works with you telling them face to face

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Good luck telling them :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

nahhh, we might be asking for a nightmare i give up :joy: :joy: :joy:

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decisions don't be a dick GIF