Your Top 5 Apartments

Especially last place is well deserved :smiling_imp:

5 choices you put some by default without even looking at them just to make the number

Interesting results so far. Schuyler & Conor with only 10%. That’s a pretty low score, considering they’re an attractive couple. How is it possible Pasha & Arina are beating them 3:1? They could easily move up to top 5 if they follow the Yan/Flora and Amelie/Lucas protocol to triple their views/income.

Or maybe have nothing to do with any protocol

Well their place has no good cam quality. And the only time I watch them is when they have sex. I think most viewers see it that way…

yes you right this is the only reason for why I am not watching anymore this place because of the bad cam quality in generally in this place,
the big surprise for me is to see mira and henry so high

No. They are the only place still doing the old style VHTV swinger parties. So no surprise for me at all.

I was thinking because it’s long time they are on VH the people lost interest with them but seems not

To me a little yes, because before the swingers meetings were varied, with different guests, I also liked them a lot but in recent times they have become tedious and predictable, all the meetings are with the same people, the same faces … they have stopped calling my attention.

half of the guests are neither swingers…

Well they already won the voting two months ago here so I guess they will win or place at least in top five again.

swingers or bakers, they are always the same.

When Maddy & Rocco get a vote we know Jin has voted :joy:

This is like knowing who is going to win the German league, nobody knows that bayern de munchen is going to win it

the strange thing is they are regularly in the top 6 popular cams of VH every days
so they are watched for sure
btw no surprise for me about hector and marla :zzz:

So true… BTW I do not like them (Bayern Munich) :innocent:

Do you like st pauli? Which do you like?

Eintracht Frankfurt is my club :wink:

Did you cheat on us with jovic? :rofl:

Never :innocent: :innocent: :wink: