Watch to the end.
Sebastian Steudtner, a German pro surfer, rode a wave over 115 feet tall at Nazare, Portugal.
Beekeepers In Northeastern France Found Themselves In A Sticky Situation After Bees From Their Hives Began Producing Honey In Shades Of Blue And Green. Later, They Discovered That The Bees Were Visiting A Local M&M Factory.
In normal units - These are 35,05m
You know, every time you make a statement like that, and you’ve done it before, it’s an insult. And it doesn’t even matter why you do it, it’s still disrespectful and insulting. Just stop.
Insult? Why? I do not get it… Helping 95% of the people of the world who do no longer use units derived from the ancient Roman empire to understand what people mean here. But do not worry I have nothing against minorities
Thanks for the translation to meters. 35 m is pretty damn high…
I understand that Germans have a disproportionate desire to do better and be better, due to your history, even if it’s unconscious. I get that and it’s very fine. I mean look at all the good things that have come out of Germany.
It’s when you try to rub people’s noses in things that you think are better just because you use it or do it, with statements like, “In normal units”. And, you did it again in your reply when you basically said anybody not using the metric system is as antiquated as the ancient Romans. That’s when it becomes disrespectful and insulting.
You could have just posted the metric conversion and been done with it, but that wasn’t good enough. You had to add your little digs to it.
It is nothing against you at all. You are right; we Germans sometimes love to poke a bit at people who use some ancient things or technology
It is similar when Americans complain about losing their houses in some natural disasters and yet they continue building them made of wood, plaster and cardboard.
We do not understand that. Same like using the imperial measurements system. There is a reason why it is not used in any scientific works or experiments. Because it simply makes no sense
You just can’t stop. Forget it, Jabba, you’re hopeless.