Yan & Flora

The dog. Thunder, or Grom in Russian.

oopps!! My message was in the wrong realm!

It seems to be the evening of clear talks… Flora explains her further way.

What are they saying?

What do you mean by, " Flora explains her further way."?

the new dream couple? they already show typical couple behavior in bed :wink:


You already said that you want to leave the project. She explains to him that she will do a business and will be successful. She is all business woman.

Thanks for the response. Did she say what kind of business?

BOOOOOOOOO!!! :rage: :rage: :rage:

Yan & Flora were arguing, and Yan kept throwing full glasses of water on her. :anguished:

I would go into battle with her. She closed her eyes on the first throw of water but did not flinch on the first and second throw. She didn’t even stop talking on the phone. She acted like nothing happened. She would make a great soldier! Yan, on the other should fear for his life. Paybacks are going to be hell!

If there was harmony, it’s gone…now they use words like “fool/pinhead”

Max, JonR, Mockingbird - you all know Russian. Can anyone of you tell us English speaking viewers what is behind their split? Why are they breaking up? Is it something I said?

Lol Lennie, non of them know russian

How do you know? Max seems to understand it! It pisses me off why no Russian speaking person can’t tell us what the fuck is going on!

Извините, я ничего не понимаю, я ещё плохо говорю по-русски. :joy:

Maybe nobody knows what’s going on. I doubt that they are speaking about it here in front of cameras as for sure there are people that understand russian


I’ll aske Flora again, only this time in Russian. Почему вы с Яном расстались?

Lennie, that is a very personal information, we should respect them decision if they don’t want to share it with us (very understandable why). All it matters for us is that they are going to split, that’s all we need to know.

You mean all the yelling, throwing water, no sex, not s___ping with each other, being mean to each other - they do all of that but haven’t said a word on what pisses the other one off and why they are breaking up? I think they have talked about it but a Russian won’t speak about it! Oh - those Russians!

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tu peux me dire à quoi cela va te servir de connaître les raisons de leur séparation?
Tu es là comme tout le monde, pour mater son cul et surtout pas pour jouer le conseiller matrimonial.
Alors, si elle ne veut rien dire, c’est son droit légitime, non ? :wink:

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I watched a movie at the same time.

It’s sad to see a life’s dreams shattered. When allegations are made. Things are also obscured because they are also aware that some understand. What else does it do you if you know the details?

To be clear, even though I understand Russian, I’m not Russian!