Yan & Flora

was probably this

She said it that she fall over some rocks before moving (that delayed the move for a day or two)

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Yan can snack on Juliana too. He just isn’t allowed to bake his bread in her oven. I don’t think Flora threw a single dish or cup in their summer house. Maybe she has changed for the better?? :thinking:

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Да, на самом деле очень больно. Тяжело заживает, глубокая рана.

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She had to earn some extra income for their recent move. It’s not polite to ask about those type of things. :flushed:

Yan should carry you around your apartment then, so you don’t have to walk. :smiling_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ты считаешь я стояла на коленях ? :open_mouth: я очень плакала, когда упала. Я бежала на поезд, который был последним до нашего дома. Из-за того, что я была очень далеко не было другой дороги.

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what he is trying to say is you have been on your knees a lot to help pay the bills :joy:

I don’t know if I believe the crying part. I don’t think I have ever seen you cry. You are one tough lady. :muscle:

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What would she do on her knees to help pay the bills? :astonished: Do you think Flora got a job as a part time house cleaner?

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Looks really bad, hope you get well soon

elle planait a 3000 ce jour la :laughing:

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She definitely is a strong woman, I have seen her cry but only the once, it was the start of this year when she received some unwanted news

Thank you.

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It’s okay, you’ll grow up, you’ll forget

Ничего, вырастешь, забудешь
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart_eyes: :wink:

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The train’s tire must be punctured… which caused your injury :hugs: :grinning:

Колесо поезда надо проколоть… чтобы не повредить… Флора :heart_eyes: :rose:

Sorry to hear that ur in pain hopefully you feel better :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Спасибо большое. Как вам новый дом ?


Ur welcome I love the new home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

У нас говорят так: «До свадьбы заживёт». Что если свадьба у меня уже была ? :sweat_smile: