Yan & Flora

Watched it happen live.


It was a great long evening, I really enjoyed it. :blush::blush:Nice that Flora and Yan get along well again. :blush::blush:


How could that topic become so dead?

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only this?

Or the entire forum?

Not much fun at the moment

Maybe because it is the same script every day without adding any new members to the pussy show circus?? :thinking: :circus_tent: :peach:

Flora how much do we need to donate for you to throw plates or cups for us? :face_with_monocle: :plate_with_cutlery: :coffee:

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no HOPE jokes today?

Come on man! It’s not the time for that right now! :triumph: :rofl: :rofl:


not just this topic…

Well the Nena topic become another JTIK topic :rofl::rofl:

And the Tod & Kellie topic became a farce

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I am done with that. I won’t post there again.

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the easiest answer.

What the almighty Owners ( or leaders or whatever ) of this site show there reflects on the entire forum

and the mood over there is not much better


no need to!

Junior CEO Torey takes care of it

That’s what happens when people either get suspended or threaten with a suspension
The forum will suffer as a result

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But also for a Saturday night not much action in all places :see_no_evil:

Oh yes Of cause that must be the sole reason and nothing to do with people now having to toe the line

Wow no post for 24hrs

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Whole forums is really deserted this weekend. The topics complaining about the webcamming and pornstars is one of the topics with most action.